Innovation And Sustainability

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Innovation and Sustainability

Innovation and Sustainability


In today's world the human actions have an influential and undesirable impact of the living organisms, for instance; development, deforestation, pollution and urban sprawl. Such actions of the human are the actions which ultimately serve as a path for the huge degradation and destruction of the innate habitat of the living organisms, which in turn escort to the disappearance of the native species which are there to found in the provided ecosystem. Pollution has also been known as one of the factor which has destroyed the freshwater ecosystem and terrestrial. This essay has undertaken two main questions regarding the production and consumption of human which are related to material resources and the efforts that can be taken to sustain the global population considering the fact of production and consumption patterns.


Examples of Two Production And Two Consumption Habits of Humans Related To Material Resources

There are a number of places that are scattered geographically, where people use animals such as cow as the source of food. Such people get produce, for instance dairy produce, meat and eggs. When it comes to consumption, it takes considerably less energy for people to obtain food than industrial areas. Nonetheless, people dependent on animals need to have huge land, so that animals can be raised and for grazing purposes. As a result, even though, such cases may be energy efficient, but they may not likely be sustainable due to the dependency on the use of land and its access. However, there is a need to be remembered that consumption includes utilization of labor and consumption of energy along with time for its acquisition. Therefore, as far as energy is concerned, it is true that people dependent on animals' raising and grazing utilize less energy. However, consumption of energy depends on the type ...
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