Innovation And Creativity

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Innovation and Creativity

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Innovation and Creativity


Innovation and creativity are two essential features of any artist. However, these two terms are often considered to represent the same meaning, but there is a major difference between these two terms. This paper aims in conducting research on innovation and creativity, and also aims in explaining talent versus activist and community related design related to future direction of design.


Creativity and Innovation

The main difference between innovation and creativity is related to the focus. Creativity is related to the unleashing of mind's potential in order to imagine new concepts and ideas. Those concepts could manifest themselves in any number of ways, but most common, they become something we may taste, touch, smell, hear or see. On the other hand, ideas that are creative may also be thought experiments within one person's brain. Moreover, we may also call creativity as subjective in nature.

On the other hand, innovation may be regarded as entirely measurable. Innovation may be regarded as bringing change into systems that are relatively stable. Innovation is also related to the work required to make an idea feasible or practical. Through the identification of an unmet and an unrecognized requirement, an organization may utilize innovation to apply its creative resources to design a suitable solution and collect a return to its investment (Marshal, 2013).

In order to make use of design thinking, it is essential to understand it as a system of related spaces, rather than understanding it as a set of process steps to move through. Those spaces includes; inspiration, it includes problem identification that motivates solution finding; ideation, it includes the process of developing and generating ideas; and implementation, the activities that facilitate a creative idea to move to the marketplace from the drawing board.

Design, creativity and Innovation

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