Innovation And Chnage

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Innovation and Change in an Organization

Innovation and Change in an Organization

Should be a difference in approach to implementing change based on the type of change?

Change is the permanent and real factor in all kinds of organization. Managers are

Continuously striving hard to have upper hand (Franken et al, 2009).It is not only necessary for the customer satisfaction, but also for the survival, improved efficiency, cost reduction and improved quality. Based on these assumptions, there is the availability of different changes. Yes, there are different approaches for different changes. Changes can in the organizational structure, culture, and strategies. So, it is not possible that a single approach can implement these changes.

What would be the differences, if any, between your approaches to structural versus cultural change? What incentives, if any, would you provide to promote the change?

The structural change is the replacement of management, communication, reporting authority, relation with the customers, production process and so on. These are the internal changes of an organization which are directly related to quality and efficiency of the overall organization. On the other hand, there is the culture within an organization. The culture of an organization defines the behavior and relations of staff with one another. It also includes the values, mission, vision, goals and beliefs within an organization. In the majority of organizations, these the “unspoken and undefined rules”, which are believed to be followed by every working man in the organization. it is also one of the most important driver for an organization (Bill & Schneider 2007).

Internal knowledge creation approach

Structural change

Those organizations which want to follow the internal knowledge creation approach follow the hierarchal structure within the organization. In this system, members of the organization know their position and everyone is given role based work. The rules and regulations are strictly applied. This system is lengthy and requires a lot of formalities before any innovation or change. This kind of structure is mainly followed in public departments, universities and in large organizations.

Cultural change

The overall change of culture in these organizations requires a lot of time. They formulate a comprehensive policy in which role of each individual is defined. After that, they set the selection, promotion, and training criteria. For example, these organizations set the criteria for selection as high GPA from particular universities. They do not accept any individual with low GPA and applicant other than the mentioned universities irrespective of their ...