Innovation And Change

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Innovation and Change

Innovation and Change


Each day the change in companies and organizations become more evident. What was yesterday, and it may not be tomorrow. And in this era, where the market is competitive, and where technology is becoming more advanced, you need to stay ahead. Often in organizations makes it difficult to adapt to change. Resistance to change in employees, customers and the senior is not expected ... Given this, should we be responsible for effectively managing change. How, you'll know soon ... but first we must define what Change Management is.

The process of Innovation and Change in a work environment involves several concepts that we discuss and then be able to offer opinions and ideas. Let's start by defining the concept change. According to Gonzalo Retamal Moya's word change means: refers to any situation where they are left certain structures, procedures, behaviors, etc. to acquire others, to allow adaptation to the context in which is the system or organization and achieve stability to facilitate the efficiency and effectiveness in execution of actions. (Douthwaite, 2002).


Powerful firms with technological advancement, economic integration internationally, the maturity of domestic markets and the shift to capitalism in former communist regions have created a globalized economy affects all businesses, from the largest to the smallest and creates more challenges as well as opportunities. In order to recognize and manage first and the second advantage, companies are contemporary undergoing radical changes in all areas of its operations.

It is very essential to determine the changes that companies face for the purpose of knowing their willingness for changing. It is important not only to realize but also to acknowledge all the possible problems that may affect the company and result in resistance to changes that are being brought about for the purpose of getting to a ...
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