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An Innovation I Admire

An Innovation I Admire

What is the innovation

The innovation that I am going to discuss in this assignment is the innovative hybrid technology. The battery-driven electric and hybrids of the traditional internal combustion engine powered cars are characterized by a combination of two types of momentum work, one of which is mostly gasoline engine and the second is electric motor. Instead of petrol, diesel or other alternative fuel engine may also be driven by hybrids.

A hybrid car typically consumes less fossil fuel as compared to conventional cars, hence is environmentally friendly, with only an internal combustion engine. Hybrids have better consumer value than their counterparts working with conventional fuels, in addition to lower pollutant emissions.

The principle of the hybrid cars

The hybrid cars can be grouped under several aspects. According to the design, there is a talk about of serial, parallel or mixed hybrids. In the hybrid vehicle internal combustion engine is not driving the wheels, but a generator that charges the battery and the current is driven by the electric motor (Chan, 2007, pp. 704-708).

The refueling of the hybrid car

Because most hybrids available today are gasoline operated vehicle, fuel refueling is done exactly the same way as conventional cars. The greatest advantage of petrol or diesel hybrids lies precisely in this - no other plant material, perfect for the traditional filling stations offering them.

Description of the company who makes it

Even though this technology was introduced by a man named Ferdinand Porsche. However, I am going to discuss the Honda motor Co. in this assignment as it is the first company in this decade to bring this experiment further with their first hybrid car named “Honda Insight”.

Honda Motor Co. Ltd. is a Japanese multinational company mainly known as a manufacturer of motorcycles and automobiles. Honda has been the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world since 1959, as well as the largest manufacturer of internal combustion (IC) engines, producing more than 13 million IC engines every year. Honda was the world's eighth largest automobile manufacturer behind GM, Volkswagen, Toyota and Nissan in 2011. Aside from their core businesses of motorcycle and automobile, Honda also manufactures marine engines, garden equipments, power generators and personal watercraft.

Type of innovation using Tidd & Bessant's 4 P's framework

Radical innovation

Radical innovation represents a drastic change in the way that the product or service is consumed. This type of innovation generally brings a new paradigm to the market segment that modifies the existing business model. This type of innovation is characterized by the relentless pursuit by the organization that carries out, of rupture and breaking paradigms.

In the case of Honda, their innovation is not considered as radical innovation as they have not involved large technological advancements, turning the existing products obsolete and non-competitive (Hill, & Rothaermel, 2003).

Incremental Innovation

Incremental innovation reflects small continuous improvements in products or product lines (Norman, & Verganti, 2012). It enerally represent small improvements in benefits perceived by the consumer and does not change significantly the way the product is ...
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