Innocent Drinks

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Innocent Drinks - Case Study

Innocent Drinks - Case Study

Innocent Drink

Founded by three Cambridge University graduates Adam Balon, Richard Reed, and Jon Wright, Innocent Drinks is a company that produces juices, smoothies and veg pots that are sold in coffee shops, supermarkets and several other outlets. The company sells more than two million smoothies each week. Innocent Drink is 90% owned by the “Coca-Cola Company”.

How does the management approach of the Innocent founders differ from that of Ryanair and Robert Owen respectively?

Ryanair follows the rational goal model of management which focuses on the organization's capacity to achieve its goals and objectives. Ryanair's management approach is based completely on achieving goals and delivering results in which O'Leary has succeeded since he took the control of the airline in 1994. The management approach of Ryanair requires utilizing systematic actions to arrive at decision inside the organization (Reiß, 2012). On the other hand Robert Owen is credited with the management approach of human relations as he was the first to recognize the working and living conditions as aspects affecting the performance of workers (Taylor, 2013). The management approach of the Innocent differs from that of Robert Owen and Ryanair in a way as Innocent founders uses an open system management approach that exchanges feedback regularly with its external environment. For innocent founders, inputs, outputs, processes, goals, learning, estimation and evaluation all are important.

Can you see any similarities?

Yes, we can say there are certain similarities of Innocent Drinks with Ryanair as some characteristics of rational goal model can be found in the management style of Innocent as well. The decisions made at Innocent result from a joined procedure of the three leaders whereby the selected option is believed to maximize the value of the organization. When such postulations are adhered to in decision making, then the decisions made are said to be rational.

Visit the website and check on the latest news about development in the company

According to the latest news about development in the company, improvement has been done in the manufacturing equipments and new technology are being utilized by the company to get the benefits by reducing cost and increasing the organizations revenue. The company had a record year turning over £195.4m up from £155.8m from the previous year. Profits are up nearly 200pc to £11m. In addition, the company has launched a range of juices in the United Kingdom targeting ...
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