Infosys Technologies Limited: Unleashing Cimba

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Infosys Technologies Limited: Unleashing CIMBA

Question/ Answers

1. What is the organizational profile? What is the industry profile that the organization operates in?

Infosys Technologies Ltd. was established by seven engineers in 1981 who were actually working for Patni Computers. The founders had foreign experience that helped them use a variety of strategies to apply in their business. Their main dealing confided in providing 'software solutions' in the market. The concrete nature of vision of the CEO of the company supported the idea of rendering software solution to other companies in the market. Soon the company developed its reputation by going extra miles. They facilitated their customers with solution at low cost and lessened the risks of customers by keeping the fixed time and price of the contracts. They also offered on-site services to customers in foreign countries and built international rapport. They began to serve in maintenance services too. They made an alliance in the United States with Kurt Salmon and Associates to operate in the market abroad.

They aim to maintain their reputation as a global leader in providing consultation, technological expertise and outsourcing solutions. They share the vision of creating tomorrow's enterprise and remain ahead in the market competition on the basis of innovation. They facilitate the businesses to transform and struggle in order to change the world via strategic change and innovation. They believe in sustainability in the long run.

Their changed their name in 1992 to Infosys Technologies Limited and went public in the same year. In 2011, it became Infosys Limited. As for March 2013, they possessed 789clientals in 30 countries. They receive 62%, 23%, 2%, and 13% of their revenue from North America, Europe, India and remaining from the rest of the world respectively. They have 87 global software houses out of which 32 are operating India and 55 are operating outside the country. They possess 69 sales offices worldwide out of which 2 are in India. The new opportunity compelled them to elaborate their sales communication as to provide with better customer relation services. They started business and hired around 1,200 U.S. citizens in the U.S. and intend to expand their workforce further.

2. What are the financial indicators of the organization? This may not be readily available in the case, in which case make an effort to obtain them from the library or other sources.

3. Is there a problem, major issue, or significant opportunity? What is it? Why is it a problem/issue/opportunity? Why is it important? Does the problem need to be resolved now. Why does it have to be solved?

The company found a clear opportunity by analyzing the significance of building strong relationship with customers in order to work with them in close collaboration. In the same context, they realized that they would never be able to achieve their objectives and goals until and unless they expand prompt communication with their sales team on-site and off-shore. They needed to introduce ideal Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that could facilitate their ...