In modern time business and technological advancement currently presented in the picture of prosperous and modern world. Moreover, it is a fact that in spite of these advancement there are higher segment of people that are living their life under limited income, this makes them unable to get in a better quality of life and also restricted them to enjoy the healthy food for maintaining health. It is somewhat significant for realizing the fact that the access to food is the basic right of every single person, but hunger and food insecurity can be seen as a real issue in various parts of United States of America as well as other part of the world (Arnold, 2004). Thus, the concept of food pantries actually based on the fundamental approach for providing food to the needy as there are various people who are actually unable to have nutritionist food because of their bad economic condition and poverty. This basically means that all people in community should have the access for nutritionally adequate food from a single source or place where these families have the choice in selecting food that depends on their dietary and health conditions. The prime function of the food pantries across the country is basically to provide nutritional welfare for their less fortunate citizens (Fisher & Winne, 1997). Regional food pantry responds the need of the community with the commitment for reducing the hunger and providing the opportunity to the needy people for having a nutritionist and healthy food.
Economic Issues
It can be observed that the world poverty basically is the major reason of hunger; this itself comes because of the bad economic condition of the individuals as well as the state. It has been observed that the around 11.1 percent of the Americans are living at or under below the poverty level. Thus, in addition there is various numbers of people in America that has very low level of income. This is the kind of situation that has kept them away towards accessing the nutritionist food and having a healthy life. Moreover, the global economic recession has led to affect the American economy and plays a major role in increasing number of individuals needing food. Various companies are currently facing a decline trend in the sales that reduced the salaries of their employees which has imposed the financial limitations on their right to get good food. The economic crises have increased the unemployment ration that has caused to impact on the lifestyle as well as the health of every individual. On the other hand, it is essential to know that the donation basically contributes in the betterment of the economy as the most for the donations are tax deductible.
Health & Nutrition Needs
According to Garasky & Greder (2004), hunger or limited food or the substandard food not just impact the physical health but it damages the mental health of individuals. This has been seen that lower intake for food ...