Information Tehcnology

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Information Technology

Information Technology


Nowadays since the competition between companies is getting more intense, the employees need to stay connected with the organizational happenings all the time. Such environments are normally termed as “24/7” work environments in which the employees need to participate with the organization all the time.

Information technology

The term “information technology” appeared first time in 1958 but it did not have a proper established name at that time (Rowe, 2007). It is basically the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications (Kouzes & Posner, 2008).

Fields of information technology

Some of the fields of information technology are emerging or will emerge in the future are mentioned below.

Web technologies


Cloud computing

Global information systems

Large scale knowledge bases

The organizations that have such kind of work environments mainly use the information technology of various sorts. This is because the information technology greatly helps in increasing connection between work and home.

Role of information technology

Information technology not only includes processes such as computer software and hardware or the programming languages but it refers to anything that provides with data or information in any kind of visual format through any kind of multimedia. The four sets of services that help in the execution of business strategy and are offered by information technology are:

It aids in business process automation

Provides information

Connects with the customers

Productivity tools

Conventionally, the information technology was known only with reference to the personal computers. However, now the other companies providing technologies such as the cell phone, televisions and automobiles are also demanding individuals who are proficient in information technology.

Various sorts of information technology have enabled increase connection between work and home. This is because they have enabled employees to stay connected and they can have access to ...