Information Technology Of Adult Education

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Information Technology of Adult Education Changes Teaching

Information Technology of Adult Education Changes Teaching

When attending school as an adult, an individual may have questioned whether they still have the ability to learn new things. Adults have the tendency to question themselves, even though experience has made them great learners. How can a child, adolescent or teen have the level of expertise an adult has obtained through years of experience? Androgogy is a term used to recognize the maturity of the learner. The adult learner is different because they participate actively, utilize past experiences and collaborate between instructor and student.

Knowing how each individual learns is the key to success when returning to school. There are three basic types of learning styles, visual learners, tactile learners, and auditory learners.

According to ICS Cleaning Specialist, Nov 2002 v40 i11 p14 (2), 55% of the population are visual learners. Visual learners learn most effectively when charts, graphs, maps, etc., are available. Visual learners should look at the instructor when they are speaking, participate in classroom discussion, and take notes during lectures.

Tactile learners are people who learn best by doing. These learners rely on touch, taste, smell, and feelings to learn well. Tactile learners often take notes during a lecture, but never look at them again. ICS Cleaning Specialist, Nov 2002 v40 i11 p14 (2), states that tactile learners make up 24% of the population.

Auditory learners learn by listening. ICS Cleaning Specialist, Nov 2002 v40 i11 p14 (2), has 21% of the population as auditory learners. Auditors learn best from sounds of voice tone, as well as volume. Auditory learners should read aloud, go over notes they have taken and talk to themselves about key points.

No one learner is locked into a specific category of how to learn. Learning is based on how the individual brain processes information and the environment provided to learn in. Learning as one gets older is possible as long as guidelines for learning are followed that fit their personal style.

Communication styles can also be a barrier when the education process begins again. Styles of communication have greatly changed since most adult learners attended a traditional school. During high school, communication consisted of turning in written assignments and occasional oral presentations. What was once an acceptable writing assignment is now a power point presentation with outline and essay. In addition how adult learners interact with others and their styles of learning will determine the effectiveness and clarity of their conversations. If they want to be an effective learner than they must know their learning style, communication style and commit themselves to learning; utilizing the necessary resources and support systems available to them. Per Johnson and Johnson "diverse styles of communication and learning may lead to conflict. Fortunately, adult learners can usually manage conflict on their own. As long as adult learners are responsible for monitoring their own behavior, the learning environment will remain comfortable and fulfilling." Johnson, Roger T and David ...
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