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Research On Information Technology

Research On Information Technology

Impact of Internet on organization

Today we can window shop, interact, browse, eat and almost breath through the web. However, since the advent of the Internet in 1989 had run various bits under the bridge and several business models to reach this point. Strange to think that a system that now has such diverse purposes as purchasing, information, or make friends, was born of a military project in the early sixties (Borgmann, Albert, 2006, pp. 351-360). From a DARPA project (Defense Advanced Research Projects Angency), the Internet has evolved into a necessity. An articulated platform that today has much of the human endeavor. Although no one can attribute the invention of the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee is considered the father of the web. His distinction is that in 1989 developed the fundamental ideas that structure the system. He had the following thesis: "I guess all the information stored on computers anywhere in the world could connect, so that would be available for me and anyone. There would be a unique global information space, a natural resource like air and water" (Borgmann, Albert, 2006, pp. 351-360).

To realize his vision, he and his group at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), devised three protocols, one to create another to address and the third to send web pages. Together, it delivered a visually simple way to link computer documents of any format, using the hypertext on the Internet (Borgmann, Albert, 2006, pp. 351-360). These three protocols for its acronym in English is called 1) HTML (HyperText Markup Language) or hypertext markup language, 2) HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and 3) the system of locating objects on the Web URL (Uniform Resource Locator). Above it works now know as World Wide Web (WWW). Despite how profitable it could become this system, this invention did not want the physical to itself, but his ideal was that the web belongs to everyone, but taking care that no one owned it. This explains why today is not a billionaire and that neither man will be interested. It was to promote a worthwhile enterprise, which succeeded in changing the world (Borgmann, Albert, 2006, pp. 351-360).

Berners-Lee is 55 today and leads the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), international standardization of Web technologies. This body decided that all standards were free and free to everyone, what was clearly a major reason for the web has grown to the importance of today (Borgmann, Albert, 2006, pp. 351-360).

The foundations of the Web

We can distinguish three fundamental elements of human progress that have propelled the growth of the Internet and the economy operating on it:

Electricity: During the past 25 years, electricity has been extended to about 1.3 billion people living in developing countries. Access to energy services is the basis for human development and, therefore, allows people to access the Internet.

Moore's Law: processing power of computers is doubling every two years, which means that the low cost of technology exponentially. The price of bandwidth and lower storage faster ...
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