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Managing Technology and Innovation

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Managing Technology and Innovation.



Business Plan3

Hardware Requirements4

Software Requirements5


Wide Area Network7

Virtual Private Network7

Internet and Online Business7

Privacy and Security9


Ban the Inappropriate websites10

Email Policy10

Use of Antivirus software11

Making the Human Resource11

Tips to Become Successful12


Managing Technology and Innovation


Information Technology refers to the use of computers to process, store and retrieve information. This means the use of hardware and software to process the information. Several industries that run on the Information Technology are computer, electronics, telecommunication and internet. Nowadays, as the technology is flourishing rapidly, every Organization has to implement Information Technology to run the business effectively and to stay in the global competition. E-Business is a type of business that has emerged after the advancements in science and technology. It is defined as the business which is based on computer and online applications. This includes making business transactions electronically, buying the products electronically and making the payments electronically. Setting up an IT company has a huge scope as Technology is advancing very quickly. Every month, we become familiar with the new product which is basically a modified version of the previous. This research paper will outline my business plan; basic computer hardware and software that are needed to setup the IT business and the tools to become successful in this business.

Business Plan

Business Plan is a set of the written statements that will define my goals and how I will achieve that goal. If I will be looking for an Investor to Invest into my IT Company, I will make an effective business plan to convince them. Business plan should include my plans, my market research and the methods I will be using to make the business profitable. Market research is very important for setting up a new company. I will study thoroughly how the leading IT Companies have established their business and earning the profits. I will define my objectives and my road to success. If I will be manufacturing any computer hardware and software, I will make sure to define the unique features and how it will attract your customer. I will also make sure that I follow my business plan and change it when the situation demands (, 2013).

Hardware Requirements

Hardware is the physical machinery and equipments. This will include computers, data storage devices, and cables for communication. Hardware and software are two different things. Hardware is the entire physical unit that stores and retrieves information. Software is the logics that make the hardware to run for desired output. The work capacity of the computer depends on the memory size. RAM is the memory that defines the storage capacity of the computers. Storage requirement depends on the type of business and structure. Small size business usually requires small memory capacity. Whereas, large businesses require large memory to store the large amount of data. The speed at which the computers will work depends upon the processor of the computer. Again it is the business type which decides what type of processor will be necessary to make the business runs more ...
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