Information Systems

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Analysing Information Systems

Analysing Information Systems


The information systems have played a great role in the development of the businesses. The need of information systems has increased and the businesses that operate manually have to make sure that they turn to the computerised systems. This will help them in doing business effectively and also in ensuring that the members of the business are performing up to the mark. For implementing the computerised system for Green Frog, the following plan should be followed by the members. It will help them in implementing the plan effectively and will also make sure that they perform in the best manner.

Information Flow Diagram

The above information flow diagram shows how the information will flow throughout the organization and how it will make sure that the people of the company will know about the information that is being passed on in the company. The operation director will be the person who will inititate and will pass on the information to the directors who are responsible for making sure how the system will perform their best. The managers of the network department and the software department will be responsible for passing on the information and will also make sure that the stakeholders of the company are aware of the changes that are taking place in the company.

This is the reason that it is very important for the company that they know how the information should be passed on and how they should be able to make sure that the stakeholders know what steps the company is taking. They have a huge interest in the company which is why it is very important for making sure that they inform the stakeholders of the steps that they will be taking. Froggers is moving to a computerised system from a amanual system which is a huge step. It is important for the company that it informs its stakeholders about the change that it is looking to implement and how it should make sure that the change is positive for them.

The information flow diagram is important for Froggers as it will help the management in recognizing that it performs according to the plan and does not deviate from it. this is a plan set out by the top management of the company that will help them in knowing how they should follow the information process. The company should also make sure that it ...
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