Information system projects are those projects that require software for communication and collaboration between two groups, organizations or even between one organization and its subsidiaries across national borders.
However, information systems that are global in nature face a lot of difficulties including structural management and cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is innate in the global information systems because in this case, the team members are distributed globally, hence they come from different geographical locations and different cultural backgrounds. However, this cultural diversity has advantages and disadvantages both. Advantage is that it can be beneficial for bringing creativity and innovation which are very necessary for knowledge intensive work. But the disadvantage is that the diversity in culture means diversity in backgrounds which can become a barrier to communication, sharing of knowledge and conveyance. Therefore it is very crucial that the organizations have very effective management systems in order to have successful information system projects.
Organizational Structure and Information System
Implying that the effect of organizational structure on information system is just an impact would be limiting. The organizational structure and the information system both have mutual effects. They interact with one another. If there is any change in any one component, there would be an expected change in the other component as well. For example if the information system in any organization is set and permanent, the other alternative organizational forms will be restricted too; and a specific organizational form will have fixed requirements in its information system.( Kupfer, 1989, pp 134)
Information systems have definitely affected the way of operating in businesses. When initially computers were introduced, employees hardly had any access to the data that was stored into them, but now as we have advanced technologically, data storage has become more common and now with information systems employees can now access information and interact with one another easily.
An organization's work flow, its procedures and policies have deep affect on the organization's efficiency of operations and also on the structure of the information system which are present because of the organization's structure, culture, politics, procedures and the work flow. In the same way, an information system also affects the structure of the organization, its activities, policies and its procedures. The aim of the information system is to smooth the flow of work and communication according to the organizational perspective. The information system in an organization is the outcome of the organizational model. The organizational model can either be based on enterprise role or activities. When a proper organizational model is determined, a new information system can be structured.
Organizations introduce information systems in their businesses for several reasons that include, to improve the performance of the ongoing operations, the need to properly integrate data and the systems, to achieve a competitive advantage through the information system and to prevent a business risk from becoming a critical threat.
The introduction of Information system can result in many structural changes in the organization. For example introducing information system in the organization would mean introducing more technology ...