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Literature Review on Sustainability and Innovation in Information System

[Institution's Name]Literature Review on Sustainability and Innovation in Information System

Introduction to Information System

A system is a set of components that interact to achieve a common goal. Although a wide variety of systems, most of them can be represented by a model consists of five basic blocks: input elements, output elements, section transformation, control mechanisms and objectives. Resources access the system through the input elements to be modified in the section transformation. This process is controlled by the control mechanism to achieve the goal marking. Once you have carried out the transformation, the result leaves the system through output elements.

Today's society is full of examples of systems: a vending machine, a factory manufactured goods, the spine, a car, an archive of documents, a conversation, etc.. In the case of the vending machine, the input to correspond to the slot for inserting coins. Once the coins are in the system, compared with the price of the drink selected (target system) by the control system. When the amount of money introduced into the system corresponds to the price of the drink, the control mechanism changes the coin for a drink, which is delivered through the vending machine. By similarly, it is possible to represent the rest of the samples using the five blocks of a system. While there is broad consensus on the definition of system does not exist in the information system. Today, the term information system used in common and common in organizations, but there are many definitions and nuances to her as schools or authors of subject.

Even so, based on the definition of system, it could make a first approach by defining a set of components that interact to achieve a common goal: to satisfy the information needs of an organization (Hevner, 2004, pp. 75-105).

Innovation System

The concept of "innovation system" (SI) includes various attempts to incorporate institutional elements in the economic analysis of technical change, architecture of the science, the origins of technological innovation and for more consistent approaches to study the impact of innovation on perform- long-term economic performance of nations (Slappendel, 1996, pp. 107-129).

Innovation systems (IS) have inspired many publications, particularly in industrialized countries and, more recently, in the developing world. However, with few exceptions, the literature devoted to the SI does not explain properly how to use the systems approach to improve innovation and how to initiate and facilitate the SI. Furthermore, if the innovation itself appears to have been sufficiently studied, its integration into a system that operates in institutional and political contexts was not thorough (Bogers, 2010, pp. 857-875).

According to the definition of the World Bank, an innovation system is a network of organizations whose activities are to create new processes and new organizational forms that are then used as the social that Economics, in collaboration with institutions and policies that affect their behavior and performance. It is generally recognized that the contemporary concept of innovation is not limited to technology or invention of new ...
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