Information System

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Information System

Information System


To Discover and deepen the ecological potential of the sector of information technologies and communication is one of the previous steps and essential to begin to move towards an economic future with low levels of carbon dioxide emissions. ICTs play a key role in tackling climate change globally and make way for an efficient and sustainable development. Reduce costs in economic sectors such as electrical, industrial and transport for a value close to 600,000 million euros by 2020: that's where the benefits in terms of sustainability, which experts attributed to the ICT sector as outlined in the report "Smart 2020" published by the Global Initiative eSustainability (GeSI) and presented today in Madrid, which quantifies in detail the potential of ICT to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and combat climate change in a more sustainable economy. This report aims to provide an idea clear the role of ICT in fighting climate change, which is not limited to reducing emissions and saving energy in the ICT sector itself, but the adoption of ICT technologies can influence and change behaviors and how society works together. Currently, the ICT sector accounts for 2% of total CO2 emissions in the world, with an expected continued increase 170% from 2002 to 2020.

Aim of this paper is to evaluate the current situation of carbon emission contributed by ICT and its solution regarding travel and tourism.

Current Situation And Problem

According to the European Commission, ICT accounts for 2% of global emissions greenhouse gas emissions. This figure could, however, increasing in relation to the very high market growth and despite technological advances that reduce including power consumption levels. Notwithstanding this point, the first challenge is to enable, through technological innovation, reduce emissions 98% remaining. ICT can indeed promote the adoption of a more respectful of the environment throughout the economy. They are already an important role in developing systems to support environmental decision and the possibility they offer different actors to adjust their behavior according to a management and sustainable use of natural resources. Remote sensing allows including satellite analyze the evolution of certain phenomena (drought, desertification, pollution of land, air and water, urbanization ...) and to anticipate consequences to limit or neutralize them (Sertel, 2009, 201-209). It is through the development of ICT that we could and could further reduce the footprint Green Transport and develop public transport systems (new trams, GPS equipment to optimize routes, electronic toll collection without stopping, terminals bicycle parking-urban ...). The car of 2020, condensed, ICT have the means for defining and carrying out trips by communication with the infrastructure, for optimum safety and energy consumption further reduced. It is through the introduction of ICT as energy consumption industries and buildings have made ??significant progress in particular allowing the optimization of lighting control, heating and air conditioning. It is also the use of electronic components in all home appliances very significantly reduces power consumption. It's the same for use occupancy sensors to regulate electricity in a dwelling house or on the ...
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