At the helm of current globalized world, the most serious problem is in one way or the other related to the security issues. Same is the case with the computer information and its susceptible security. The era of globalization has brought about the menace of society including the heinous crimes of data and identity theft along with the floods of frauds which has deserted most of the people's lives. Computer information security is the key concern of today's modernized world, and it has shadowed most of the developing as well as developed economies.
In this lieu, a number of literatures are available for facilitating the solution to the menace. I have also gone through a number of potential articles, which all are good enough to be considered as quite good for solving a number of security related threats. The first article which I have reviewed bears the title of 'Information fusion in computer security' which has addressed a number of security related issues which are presented in various literatures all under a single paper.
Another articles is has the topic of 'Information security: where computer science, economics and psychology meet' which was quite interesting to read. In fact, it has addressed a number of security issues along with the problems which has been addressed from the social and psychological point of view. It has beautifully depicted the issue of social networking securities which each one of has experienced in our lives. Moreover, it has also showered quite light on the various aspects of economics and has also showed the linkage between the linkage between data security and economics (Anderson, R. and Moore, T., 2009, pp. 2717-2727).
The third article has the title of “Organizational power and information security rule compliance” which has addressed the significant security lapses within the organization along with the potential hazards related to data theft and leakages. Moreover, the paper is more like a research study which has profoundly expresses the lack security compliance in the organizations Kolkowska, E., & Dhillon, G., 2012, pp. 1-10).
Problem Definition
The problem statement of this paper is that most of the time. the management of an organization feels the need fro computer based systems along with the implication of a number of security rules. Hence, from careful assessment of these three articles, I will be going to focus on the third one as it serves me in the best in my industrial life. Moreover, the article appears to be quite vivid and serves to be core of my future research regarding the data security practices. Also, it will improve and enhance my knowledge about the problems and solutions about the corporate data security.
The lack of compliance is also related to the availability, confidentiality, integrity and most importantly traceability. Managers of various organizations are concerned more about the privacy and confidentiality of various clients. Also, the other actors in the play cannot even get access to the up to date information and as ...