Decision-makers must understand the significance of information assurance within the organization. On the other hand, the resource holders not actually understand the intensity of the problems, additionally, costs of security. It is complex to justify information assurance expenditures for current systems, when there is not any apparent threat. The consequence is that decision-makers are dragged into fierce cycle of wasting money for issues, after the issues have already taken place (Peltier, 2001). There is need of assessing, implementing, and patching, instead of creating families of information systems and integrated systems, with the information assurance. Technicians confront opposing set of issues. Even though, the technicians are aware of the operational challenges of the information assurance, still they are frequently restricted by their personal specialization, and are consistently suffering from lack of resources. In the longer-run, the needs of definition stage are important. However, it can have several disadvantages as well (Schultz, 2001). Those decision-makers that adopt longer-run ideas are at the risk of becoming restricted to policies that are designed to resolve the current security issues (Pfleeger, 1997).
Problem Statement
Incomplete analyses of risk leave insecurities for information resource management systems and open up organizations for complete recoveries after those risk and vulnerabilities have been used. Resource allocations for an organization frequently relies on the most current touted chink, crack and hack in the in-depth defense shell. Classical assessment of risk is entirely static and time consuming. This does not provide a shared environment that promptly supports improved communication between technicians and decision-makers.
Research Aims and Objectives
The main aim of this thesis is to bridge a gap between technicians and decision-makers. This thesis will help in providing a process that will be helpful in evaluating existing firewall ...