Information Needs

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Information Needs of Stakeholders

[Institution Name]

Table of Contents


Discussion of Literature3

Discussion of the Information Needs4

Information Needs of Production Manager4

Information Needs of Marketing Manager5

Information Needs of Director of Finance6

Information Needs of Chief Executive7

Internal/External Stakeholder's Need of Information8

Employees as a Stakeholder8

Government as a stakeholder9

Customer as a stakeholder9

Media as a stakeholder9

Shareholders as stakeholders9

Summary and Conclusions9


Information Needs of Stakeholders


The paper focuses on the importance and significance of the need of information by managers of the company residing on various designations. It is by far seen that communication plays a vital role in sending, receiving, storing and retrieving data or information useful for the managers.

The Information needs arise from the many interrelationships between the shareholders of an organization: managers, investors, suppliers, employees, customers and government authorities. Compete for resources in the markets, or regulate them. Exchange resources or assets to an organization, as part of its transformation process.

Discussion of Literature

According to Hedberg, (1981), “Learning the organization goals is something that has to be understood to never achieve because we will always be learning regardless” (p. 15). This makes it a magnificent goal. And brings me to applying the knowledge of learning most of us believe learning relates to stimulus-response however it is only limited to adults. Other goals include communication which brings teamwork, the creation of knowledge to be shared, Identifying, developing, and nurturing the capabilities the organization needs, identifying the people and their skills that can benefit the organization, having strategic alliance and joint ventures with outsourcing providers, having a negotiation system with partnerships and providers we are outsourcing with, having organization and coordination with projects and teams, and to allow a resource structure.

March and Simon, (2008) writes that, “Stakeholders play a important role in the process of selection and acquisition of the information system. We identify stakeholders as a person or group who hold a stake in the information system; they evaluate problems, strengths in the organization, the goals, and change in requirements and measures that concern the information system” (pp. 112). The stakeholders all have a right to be heard each one has different standards and knowledge when it comes to selecting and acquisition the information system. Their roles are to be understandable, truthful, legit and sincere to all stakeholders. Stakeholders take action which is significant for acquisition. The stakeholders are after all the ones who decide on the information system.

Information system were made to better the organizations task and their goals, however picking the right one can be a hard challenge for everyone involved in the organizations information system. Steps have been established to help the organization with the decision process so they can make sure the right decision is being made when it comes to implementing the information system (March and Simon, 2008, pp. 51). The important thing for the information system is making sure it meets the organizations standards and it accomplishes the goals. Remembering to take time and research the information system before you just get it after the system is designed to help the organization ...
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