Information And Technology Management

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Information and Technology Management

Information and Technology Management


Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) have changed the way organizations operate today. Through use significant improvements are achieved, then automate business processes, provide a platform for information needed for decision making and, most importantly, its implementation achieves competitive advantage or reduce the advantage of rivals. The company is Apple incorporation to be studied in this paper. As a consultant, the decision making levels would be explained, followed by the information system currently followed and then end with a few recommendations or highlights.

As prices of computing equipment are becoming down, capacity is increasing, and, becoming easy to use, IT is used in new and varied forms. In Apple, its applications are diverse. Today, most medium and large enterprises (with more and more small and micro-enterprises) use IT to manage almost all aspects of the business, especially the management of financial records and transactional organizations, records employees, billing, collection, payment and shopping (Cusumano 2009, 25).

IT is defined as the set of complex knowledge, means and know-how based on technological developments arising from the interaction between the fields of computing, microelectronics and telecommunications develop innovations in the processes of production, transmission, manipulation and presentation of data, all within the scope of activities related to communication, numeracy data processing and control. The firmware in strategy business intelligence, commonly known as Business Intelligence, aims to develop professionals' business intelligence strategy that will be operational in all spheres of business.

Business Intelligence is designed to improve strategic decision making of managers by allowing them to exploit more effectively the various data sources to obtain a better understanding of their organization and their competitive environment. To do this, this emerging science is based on strategic analysis, information technology, statistics, data warehouses and drilling to access external and internal sources of data and then analyze them to produce information to guide strategic decision making.

An information system performs these basic activities: storage, processing and output of information.

Information Storage: Storage is one of the most important activities or skills that you have a computer, because through this property the system can recall the information stored in the previous section or process. The typical unit of storage is magnetic disks or hard disks, floppy disks or diskettes and compact discs (CD-ROM).

Information Processing: The capacity of the information system to perform calculations according to a sequence of operations preset. These calculations can be made with data recently introduced in the system or data that are stored.

Information Output: The output is the ability of an information system to get the information processed or input data to the outside. Typical units are output printers, terminals, diskettes, tapes, voice, plotters and plotters, among others. For example, the System Control of Clients have automatic output interface with the System of Accounting, generating accounting policies procedural movements of customers.

Decision Support System (DSS)

DSS is one of the most emblematic of Business Intelligence as it can solve many of the limitations of management ...
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