Information And Knowledge Management

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Information and Knowledge Management


The research aims to identify the strategic information needs, the strategic information system, the planning and implementation of E business, knowledge and customer relationship that is acquired by the people as the information and knowledge management have attained the customer relationship and e business has grabbed the customer's attention via online travelling acquisition facility. The Expedia has fulfilled all the information and knowledge management functions as this company is highly popular in the current market. Expedia has satisfied the customers and gained the attention of the customers due to the online travelling facility that is successful among the customers. The business had created a great impact and due to this the customer retention is prevailing among citizens.


a) The Strategic Information Needs2

Strategic Advantage3

Competitive Advantage3

Strengths of Expedia3

Weaknesses of Expedia4

Threats from the Competitors4

b)The Strategic Information System and E-Business Planning Activities4

The Strategic Information System4

The E Business Planning Activates6

The Strategic Information System and E business Planning Activities7

c).Knowledge Management and Customer Relationship Activities8

Knowledge Management of Expedia9

E Business9

Customer Relationship Management10


Information and Knowledge Management


The information and knowledge management is useful performing the operations of an organization. The information and knowledge management covers the aspects of the strategic information needs, the strategies information system, planning regarding the business activities and the knowledge and management regarding the customer relationship activities.

a) The Strategic Information Needs

There is a need to identify the demands and requirements of the customer when dealing with a particular organization. The strategic information needs identify the needs and wants of the customers in the consumer market. Strategy word is defined as the planning to attain the goal and fulfill the requirements and the needs of an organization. It is not necessary that in an organization there are organizational values that have increased the performance of the individuals (Strategic Uses of Information System, 2005).

Expedia is an online travel agency as there is leisure and grab the travelers. The air line products and services fulfill the demands and needs of the customers. Their business consists of airline flights, Hotel stays, rental cars and package travel. This company has the leisure and Eugenia operations. There are strategic information needs that cater the functioning and operations of the organization. Moreover the fulfillment of the goals of the travel agency is also catered under the functions of Expedia (Strategic Uses of Information System, 2005, pp.38).

Strategic Advantage

There are strategic advantages of the Expedia as they maximize its strengths and leads towards the competitive advantage. There are new product market and services that are highly tractable for the current market. The aim of Expedia is to compete with other travel agency that exists in the current market (Strategic Uses of Information System, 2005, pp.38).

Competitive Advantage

The profit of the company is maximized in the competitive advantage. Due to this the market share is increased and there are several initiatives as to attain the market of the product and services. The business strategy of an organization is pursued and there is a more consistent aim to attain the ...
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