Information And Knowledge Development

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Information and Knowledge Development

Information and Knowledge Development


Knowledge management in a media organization refers to the requirement of raw data to be organized adequately and be assembled in utilizable form (The Economist, 2005, pp. 3-10). The modern News Association is luckily one of the most the efficient model which is a way to collect, organize, categorize, implement and spread the enormous quantity of information they receive and gather every day. With the advent of new technological goods, the conventional data gathering techniques have also been shunned and the web contents of news groups are considered the source for data collection. Computers have been the source used for learning for several years. The development of the internet in the early 1990's added a new dimension to learning which the interactive factor it caters is. It is used for information flow, not just within the organization in fact, it is a used as a source for information flow from consumers or customers to the networks as well. There are various reasons for a media organization to focus on the importance and vitality of knowledge management (The Economist, 2005, pp. 3-10).

Since the process of the international business has become global, the task to encode and deliver information in a systematic way has become evident which support the difficult decision makings easier for companies. The experiments of Cable news network (CNN) involving electronic apparatus for “knowledge-sharing” began with online bulletins, and since then the journey has increased many folds.


Information and Knowledge Development at CNN

There is no scarcity of expertise for knowledge management and business intellect. The tools for this include a data warehouse or knowledge storage areas, sometimes it can be even the online communities or the new e-learning applications, internet diaries or intranet tools. All of these can prove to be helpful for a firm if they are utilized in an adequate manner.

CNN or Cable News Network is one of the largest news organizations of the world. Its international channel the “CNN International” is considered as the leading international news channel across the globe in terms of viewership. This US based network initiated working in the 1980 and since then it has underwent all the novel changes which were the necessity of the time delivering the best to its consumers.

Technology has transformed the broadcast media completely revolutionizing the ways this medium was once used. CNN disseminate information through specified sources be it the Television content or its Web content. Public has access to the data always which can be utilized by anyone anywhere in the world directly. The Network (CNN) has a strategy that allows any individual, institution or community can benefit from this instantaneous access to knowledge and information globally. In 1997, the company signed an agreement with the Oracle Corporation to develop a customized system for the Web Page Content.

This was the first step towards addressing the user's requirement and need to have access to Information categorically. This service allows the web users, and readers to find and collect data as ...
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