Information About China

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Information about China

Information about China

History, Geography, Population and Language of China

According to ancient writings, History of china initiated from about 3,300 years ago. Modern studies endow with evidence of supporting the additional ancient origin of Chinese culture between 2500 & 2000 B.C. Centuries of relocation, growth and hardworking produced a distinctive system of Chinese culture. Autonomous historians identified a significant trait of Chinese society i.e. they receive and understand the people of surrounding areas in their own culture. Their achievement can be credited to the dominance of their ideographic on paper language, technology, and political institution, modification of their imaginative and logical creativity, and the absolute mass of their numbers. Chinese people presented an ideological sense of caution towards international history in spite of their emotional characteristics (Xincheng, 2012).

China is in the eastern part of Asia. It total area on earth is about 9.6 million square kilometers. A complete one quarter of Asia is covered with China alone. It is approximately larger than whole European countries. China covers around 3400 miles city from north to south and 3100 from west to east. Climate of China can be termed as extremely dissimilar in the south with sub tropical and sub arctic in the north side (Fact box, 2008).

The land of China is characterized by impressive geographical range. Topographically, China is near to the ground in the east and far above the ground in the west. The landplane ascends like a three step stairway. The first step is the base on the plains in east and lowlands in the southeast, occupying approximately 12% of the earth. Elevated plateaus and mountains constitute the third step.

China is the largest country in the world. According to the Government of china, people of entire china are impressively 1,354,040,000 (Age Structure, 2013). Structural Distribution of the people in china on the basis of age can be given as:

Age (Years)




















65 & above




China covers an extremely wide area of the earth. There are more than 70 million citizens that belong to 55 diverse state minorities. Every minority has its own verbal language. The verbal Chinese language is composed of several local variants named as dialects. Present dialects evolved among the 8th and 3rd centuries BC. The difference in language is due to the dissimilar accent and words. The official language of China is Mandarin. Around 70% of the Chinese residents speak Mandarin, except there are also various other main dialects in China, These languages are Yue, Xiang, Min, Gan, Wu and Hakka.

Economy, Currency, Major products, Trade agreements of China

Economy of china had expanded exponentially in recent years regardless of terrible global circumstances, despite the fact that it slowed in 2011-12. Balancing once again has prepared development superficially. Existing excess of accounts has fall sharply from over 10% to fewer than 3% of GDP in 2007. Nationally, growth has recently been pulled further by utilization rather than by speculation. Among the hold up, inflation was brought under control. By the aid of easing policy and a raise up ...
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