Influencing Others At Work

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Influencing Others at Work

Influencing Others at Work


The guiding question of who says what to whom in what way with what effect has largely determined what factors researchers look to in explaining and predicting influencing others or simply persuasion. These factors fall into four general classes: source or communicator variables, message variables, channel variables, and receiver variables. Reflecting two decades of research on social cognition, studies of the effects of these variables on persuasion investigate how these factors affect influencing others by shaping the way in which people process information in context of influencing others. This study, in this connection is going to examine art of influencing others at workplaces, and what is the importance of networking with respect to first line manager.

Identification of Network at My Workplace and Its Value

I work in a leading IT company, where I am heading a team of marketing personnel. The importance of networking in marketing can easily be understood by a simple example that if marketing personnel of a company fails to keep their networking alive, the brand image of the company will be affected adversely (Levin and Rosse 2001, pp. 45-66). In this connection it can be said that networking in my department is the backbone of the brand image of the organization as well as key to generating sales. Each and every marketing personnel have their own opinion of marketing the company's product, which must be share on the meetings and within department to formulate a single, comprehensive and market oriented marketing strategy. However, lack of coordination will result in individual application of their marketing perception, which will lead to poor return and bad marketing. To avoid such circumstances networking is of high importance in my department which will contribute in the success of organization.

Influencing Others at Workplace

Everyone in the company is looking for methods to influence others. How to manage a painfully psycho rigid colleague? How can my employees are motivated to achieve the objectives? How to prevent blockage of my main investment project, the finance department? How to get my boss to let me participate in important decisions for my service? Everyone is afraid of the consequences for their non-achievement of tasks, objective, not without reason but because of the fear of reduced premium, less interesting work, marginalization, blocked career, a threatened position or even dismissal (Zartman 2001, pp. 32-99). But everyone in advance likes to juggle too with the benefits of eventual success. In short, everyone hopes that employees, colleagues and superiors will help, or at least do not impede the progress of another employee towards the growth in organization. This requires influencing others at workplace, so that colleagues, employees and top management will encourage and support the first line managers to achieve success. To influence people at workplace a first line manager needs to be an effective persuader. First line manager must have few traits including open-mindedness and never dogmatic. They enter the process of persuasion which was organized to make adjustment in ...
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