Influences Paper

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Influences Paper

Influences Paper

As the richest state on Earth, with the most superior medicinal expertise, the United States should serve up as a universal replica in the field of public health services, but this is not the case. Forty-six million Americans live in fear of suffering serious illnesses, for not having health insurance that helps pay health care costs. Experts say it is necessary to take concrete steps to save the rising figure of Americans who are in the midst of the dangers of insecurity. Ethel Shaw might shortly connect the ranks of Americans without health insurance. Shaw works for contractors to provide custodial services for two agencies of the United States government. At 61, Shaw says he is tired so you want to retire, but his medical problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure and glaucoma, it is not allowed. Have health insurance through their work that helps pay some of the highest medical bills, but the plan is very limited (Garson, 2010). 

Health insurance is more expensive every day, and that is the basis why many employers are moving away from programs that allowed them to offer this benefit. Karen Davenport, executive director of health policy at the Center for American Progress, utters the sum of money a company pays a monthly basis to ensure an employee, call premium, has increased five times faster than earnings, in recent years. 

Davenport adds that there are numerous grounds for the increasing premiums, counting the huge number of workers who cannot obtain cover during their work.  "What is the biggest concern is a person who is uninsured and delays their visits to the doctor, to end not only in emergency rooms, but in crisis that require more intensive and complicated, when they get sick," he says. 

The administration of President George W. Bush proposed private savings accounts to pay for health services, with credits and deductions for tax time, in connection with the money used to pay medical bills. Critics of the plan say the government would thus favoring major insurance companies at the expense of workers who earn little money. 

That is the reason why many people support the idea of implementing a universal health insurance, similar to those of other developed countries. "It's about creating large groups of people who have health insurance and share risk and costs among these large groups," says Davenport, the Center for American Progress. In almost every major opinion poll of Americans, the public health crisis the country is at the top of the list of concerns of American society, along with the Iraq war. 

Health care is the basis of demand and security of all States today cannot be separated from food and housing. And therefore our duty to open the door of this debate and to review our policies and our philosophy as a whole medical to make sure of its progress in the direction does not bring us negatively in the future. There are many countries that have developed systems for the different medical systems, the United States and has successfully achieved the well-being of their peoples are no ...
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