Influences In The Teaching Environment

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Influences in the Teaching Environment

Influences in the Teaching Environment


Disruptive behavior in the classroom has negative effects for the whole class. It is a very unconstructive activity. The teacher might also become extremely stressed and might get under a lot of strain, and as a result of which, her teaching could suffer a lot. Those students who are well behaved may receive comparatively less individual attention, as much of the time of the teacher is taken up and consumed while dealing with the disruptive and disruptive student. Luckily, disruptions in class can often be easily avoided and prevented by using a number of effective teaching strategies which will help in keeping the students highly busy and engaged. Once, the techniques and style of teaching and have been examined, it might be essential to take few necessary and corrective action with the disruptive students (Peterson, n.d). This might be done by using a series of developmentally appropriate and relevant behavior strategies. This paper discusses how various factors lead to disruptive behaviors in a classroom.


Unmet needs

These are the needs for safety, the feeling of hope, the need to fit in, to gain self-respect, authority, the want of having fun and struggle the to win. If any of all the mentioned needs are not being met then the student is more likely to behave in a way which is not appropriate (www. The student might also become unfocused, and less comfortable.

Thwarted desires

This situation happen when a student wants something badly, but he does not succeed much in getting it. Such desires then become a menace, by being disruptive, destructive, showing displeasure, and complainant, moping and acting out (


As human beings, we all want to enjoy our lives and to make it easier. Similarly, the students want to do the same. However, when they try to take the shortcuts, or very conveniently forget to do their homework, or try to avoid work altogether even if they break a few rules (www. Even as adults, we are likely to want to copy and paste that 1000 word paper that we are supposed to do.

Impulse to transgress

This is the feeling which we all experience in one way or another when we feel like breaking a rule or two (Peterson, n.d). As professional practitioners and as being teachers we know that what is expected of us and that we need to act professionally. Therefore, we know how to control ourselves and not give in to that urge. However, the students do give in to that urge sometimes as they are not mature enough (www. This situation commonly occurs most of the time when the environment of the classroom gets boring for the students.


This is an attraction to something or for something; it might be for a person, objects or even sometimes even for a situation. Temptations can be of music, for a certain lifestyle, the ways and manners of speaking, for the fashion or of clothing, or it can be even for cheating on a written assignment ...
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