Influence Of Health

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Influence of Health



Health issues in the UK2

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)2

Breast Cancer3


Mental Health4

Well-Being Issues in UK5


Ethical Disparities6


Quality of life issues in UK7

Physical activities7




Mental health as a key issue influencing the health, well being and quality of life9

Mental health9


Factors influencing mental illness10

Socio economic factors10

Biological factors12

Psychological Factors12

Individual responsibilities in the maintenance of mental health13

Family collaboration14


Influence of Health


Health is a comprehensive representation of a human life as well as a “reserve storage or stock” based on physical and psychological factors influencing vivacity, robustness and potency of an individual to perform its daily activities and normal body functions (Blaxter 2003, 2004). According to WHO, “Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well being and not merely the absence of the disease or infirmity” (WHO, 1948). Later in 1986, WHO stated health in the Ottawa charter for health promotion as, “health is a reserve for the day after day life and not merely the purpose of living. According to the WHO, “mental health is the state of well being in which the person is aware of its own abilities and able to cover up normal life stress and its work represents productivity and affectivity and contribute to the social community as well” (WHO, 1948)

Wellbeing is a feeling of being fine and effective functioning at the same time. Being well does not mean to stay constantly contended all the time but sustainable well being involves the understanding of grief, pain, disappointment, painful emotions as a normal part of healthy well being. The management of these emotional mental and psychological disturbances is part of well being maintenance. Well being depends upon the potential to control a person's life through focusing the sense of valued goals and focusing optimistic relationships (Huppert A., Felicia, 2009, pp.137-138).World Health Organization (WHO) defines well being as “a condition, in which a person realizes its own capabilities, able to cope with normal strains of life, and increase productivity and affectivity through work, hence contribute to the community” (WHO, 2001).

The quality of life is defining as the person's insight and awareness of their standing and location in life in terms of social, cultural and values in the system in which they settle and survive. This also includes awareness in relation to its objectives, prospective, principles and apprehension (The WHOQOL Group, 1995). The quality of life can be assess through various indicators developed based on the psychological and social indicators in the cities, regions and nations for the individuals, groups, communities with similar characteristics. The quality assessment measures used in the healthcare systems are to improve the standard of person's health through new medical technologies and treatments. The quality of life is a multidimensional influenced by various factors including emotional, physical, social, mental, behavioral as well as biological factors (Janse, 2004, p.654).


Health issues in the UK

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus which is a blood borne virus and leads to serious blood borne infections like AIDS (auto immune deficiency ...
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