Inferential Statistics

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Inferential Statistics

[Name of the Author]

[Name of the institute]

Case 11

1. Hypothesis testing statistical significance for difference between means1


Critical region2

Test Statistics2


2. Confidence intervals3


Case 25

1. For Proportion (New product placement)5


2. For Proportion (Competitive products)6


Case 37

1. Hypothesis testing statistical significance for one standard deviation7


Level of Significance:7

Rejection region:8

Test Statistics:8



Case 1

1. Hypothesis testing statistical significance for difference between means

For this test, the following data will be used

n = 50

= 94.4

= 102.4


a (at 95% CI) = 0.05 = 0.05

z (at 95% CI) = 1.96

The population standard deviation in this case is unknown (which is mandatory for conducting z-test). Still, if n>30, the sample standard deviation is assumed to be an unbiased estimator of population standard deviation after application of some adjustment.

Adjusting the sample standard deviation for normalization


Null Hypothesis: The difference between the mean town spending and mean national spending is zero.

Alternate Hypothesis: The mean town spending is greater than the mean national spending. Mathematically,



Level of Significance


Critical region

zcritical = 1.96

Test Statistics

=== 2.48


Since the Z statistics (z = 2.48) exceeds the critical value of z critical (Z critical = 1.96) the null hypothesis that “The difference between the mean town spending and mean national spending is zero.” is rejected in favor of the alternate hypothesis that “The mean town spending is greater than the mean national spending.” at 5% level of significance.

Through this hypothesis testing, statistically significant evidence has come out to authenticate that the mean town spending is greater than the mean national spending.

2. Confidence intervals

Confidence interval around the mean amount women in her area spend will be calculated using the following data

n = 50

= 94.4

= 102.4


a (at 95% CI) = 0.05 = 0.05/2 = 0.025

z (at 95% CI) = 1.96

The population standard deviation in this case is unknown (which is mandatory in CI around mean for normal distribution). Still, if n>30, the sample standard deviation ...
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