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Module 1 Assignment

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Module 1 Assignment


Healthy nutrition is of worth importance for patients. Aliment, nourishment or nutrition may primarily be explained as the supply of materials (food) needed by organisms and cell to stay alive, healthy and energetic. In human medicine, nutrition is basically the practice or science of utilizing and consuming foods. This assignment reflects professional and personal values applied to patient nutrition. Following legislations is of worth importance in nursing profession, nursing requires following of standard procedures and methods deviation from may result in sever consequences. To prevent such deviation, nursing profession requires the following of several codes, standards and legislations. Legislations are required to be discussed for this topic because there are several legislations that controls and directs the activities related to patient nutrition. These codes, standards and legislation include NMC practices, NHS constitution, Francis Report and various others. Many NHS trusts focuses on providing good and healthy nutrition to patients in hospital.

NHS has also developed various legislations regarding patient nutrition. Standard 14 of NHS explains this topic; this standard is all about guaranteeing that service users, patients, visitors and staff have access to properly and safely prepared and stored food (Fang et al., 2002, p. 872-879). Personal and nutritional requirements of patients must be based on proper nutritional screening. Foods served to patients at the hospitals must be in accordance with the “All Wales nutrition standards” for food for hospital inpatients. NMCs “Standards for pre-registration nursing education” involves standards for patients' nutritional requirements.


The topic nutrition is chosen because the issue is both in the news and new legislation. Another reason of selecting this topic is the issues at Stafford Hospital and also that how this is changing the way that nursing is perceived by the public and how the enquiry into this hospital is changing how nurses' work and it is forcing nurses to look at their own values and beliefs. Furthermore, the most important reason of selecting “nutrition” as a topic is its significance for patients and also in the field of nursing (Grasso et al., 2000). Hydration and nutrition are among the basic requirements of human beings. At the health care organizations, all the patients are entitled to be provided with hydration and nutrition in a manner that meets their requirements. If a patient is unable to take enough hydration and nutrition orally, then alternative methods must be applied.

Importance of nutritional education

May be a standout amongst the most pertinent subjects of home money matters training to today's social atmosphere is food science and nutrition. As per the "Centres for Disease Control and Prevention", the rate of weight around kids and youths has tripled in the course of recent years and is recognized a plague. Likewise, with expanded weights hailing from the media and other outside sources, teenagers are additionally extremely powerless to negative self-perception and are at danger of improving dietary problems. Recognizing how normal food and nutritional identified health issues have come to be around the American youth, it appears discriminating those ...
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