Infection Control

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Infection Control

Infection Control


According to Collins (2008) NHS constitution declares that hand hygiene is an essential need of the health care system that can act against the infectious diseases and reduce their occurrence. In the modern practice, the health care associated infections have become very common in the hospitals and nursing homes. The major reason behind the occurrence of these infections includes a variety of factors, but the most prominent amongst all is the non compliance of the health care workers.

Allegranzi (2009) declares that NHS code of conduct reveals that the hand hygiene when done properly is an important action to prevent infection and spread of infection. The importance of hand hygiene is well documented for many decades and can be carried out following a simple six-step technique. Many factors influence the effectiveness of hand washing with soap. The effect of antiseptic soaps depends on the applied dose, a volume of 3 to 5 ml is recommended. The thumb, fingers and back of hand, and the area under the fingernails are often poorly washed. The duration of the washing is also an important factor, not only because of the mechanical, but also due to the chemical action.

Chou, Achan & Ramachandran (2012) in their research showed that according to HPA guidelines, the improvement in hand hygiene can only take place through proper attention and consideration. The staff at hospitals should be well educated and trained about how to keep their hands clean and free from infections. For this, motivational programs should be placed for encouraging them to adopt hand hygiene practices effectively. Standard of health care can only be maintained if the health care institutions are free from various infections that can be easily transmitted from one person to another. For this various infection control equipment and anti-infection liquids must be placed in all the health care providing units. Performance indicators can be used to identify the change in the hand hygiene practices. Clinical staff should be kept motivated and there should be no understaffing in any of the medical service providing unit as it also helps in transmitting health care associated infections on a very large scale. Hand hygiene should be recognized as important not only for the clinical staff but also from the patients and visitors


According to Health Service Executive (2005) a number of studies have highlighted an importance of hand hygiene practices in various contexts. This can be only done through a variety of interventions and through introduction of techniques and practices that would force the individuals to strictly follow the hand hygiene function. Hand hygiene plays an important role in modern hospital infection control program. This is extremely important especially in the surgical wards. Treatment of cardiac children with congenital heart disease is associated with an increased risk of nosocomial infections. The best way to dry your hands is to use disposable paper towels, which will then be thrown into the trash foot actuated mechanism. Reusable towels are an ideal medium for the growth ...
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