Infancy & Childhood Development

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Infancy & Childhood Development

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Infancy & Childhood Development


The childhood phase can be identified as the most crucial period, in terms of the cognitive development of the infant. The experiences and the environment that an infant faces in the initial stage have a critical impact on his psychological development. These factors have a long term impact and shape the adult hood development. Considering the significance of the initial stage of a person's life, the role of the parents is central in the childhood development process. As the parents have the greatest amount of influence over the life of the child, and they are solely responsible for their needs; the parenting style impacts the entire development process. Research has suggested that every action that the parent takes has a crucial impact on eth psychology of the child (Grolnick, 2013). The apparent non significant parental actions can actually cause certain personality traits in the children, which can further mature in the adulthood stage. It is due to this reason that the parents have to critically analyze their parenting strategies, as per the impact it would have on the development of the child.


The Role of Parents

The parents have the most crucial role in the initial part of a child's development process. Even though the child will eventually learn from other components of the environment along the process, the parents still have the most influential role. The parenting style of individual is based on several significant factors, and it is very different from the parenting practices. The parenting practices re concerned with the model behaviors of the parents who use these as examples for the children to socialize. The parenting practices are for a short term basis and the parents can alter these behaviors easily. However the parenting style is a more intimate and long term phenomenon, which is more focused on the personality of the parents. The parenting style is focused on the emotional environment that the parents develop for their children, and it becomes a critical part of the development phase (Kerr et Al, 2012). It is due to this reason that the parents must critically analyze their parenting styles, and seek to develop a positive and stable emotional environment.

Significant Parenting Styles

Authoritarian Style

This is a very restrictive and high control parenting style in which the parents set very strict guidelines. The children have to follow the clear guidelines set by the parents, or they would have to experience negative consequences. This parenting style although can help the parents discipline their children in the short term perspective can lead to several confidence related issues in the children. The children who belong to the high stressful households often develop social anxiety and confidence related dilemmas, where they lack the self belief to achieve their personal goals. The parents in the authoritarian style expect the children to follow the exact rules and guidelines set for their children, and there is a formal relationship. These parents set high goals for their children and challenge them ...
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