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Racial discrimination and disparity has been a problem of great concern since a very long time. The issue is especially faced by the minority groups who get stereotyped and prejudice are formed against them, associating negative characteristics which actually may not be true. The black community in this regard faces a lot of such problems which is reflected by their socioeconomic status, high rate of unemployment, high mortality rates and disparity in the income and wage system. The policy makers at the political and institutional level also neglect the rights of the blacks and certain classes of the group, in addition, face negative treatment by the higher classes within the group.

Impact on Employment and Economical Growth

There is huge gap of racial unemployment which needs to be analyzed by the social scientists. This gap has been growing in association with the inequality of earnings by racial groups.

The black community has been facing inequality in the U.S. since the 1970s when jobs were lost in the manufacturing industry. It is indeed a historical fact which supports the current situation of inequality faced by the black people. This disparity can be assessed with respect to the industrial or post industrial era, or the Fordist/post Fordist era, there has been an association of racial earnings and inequalities in employment with the growth or reduction in the lower skilled jobs in the manufacturing sector. The economic development of the blacks in the latter part of the twentieth century is mostly determined by shifts in trends of skill demand among various approaches. (Haslam & Ellemers, 2005)

On the other hand, the evolution of the racial disparity pattern through the later part of the twentieth century can also be explained by factors like political influence, organizational and factors specific to race. By having a broad range of historical account, evidence can be obtained which supports that change in the economic trends is related to the shifts in the racial wages and inequalities in employment. After 1940, the black community faced a lot of racial disparity in the labor market, which was mainly influenced by the political factors and forces involving institutions, discrimination policies of the government, salaries, job opportunities and imprisonment. Furthermore, the movements and activities of the unions and social bodies also played a significant role. Such evidence related to the several findings from the historical record, suggests that even though the factors related to the skills are important, but there is more stress and focus on the political factors, policy making, and racial discrimination, other than skills, as more significant areas of racial economic results.

The unemployment rate of the black community has increased significantly, making it twice as much as those of the whites. As compared to the rates of the 1972, the prevalent percentages are 10.8% of the blacks against 5.8% of the whites, difference which is much greater than the previous years. The mortality rate of the new born babies of the black race is much more than ...
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