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Industry Policy

“Food Industry of UK and USA”

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“Food Industry of UK and USA”

“Food Safety and Hygiene


Food safety is one of the most important issues for the food industry and for the health concerns of consumers as well. Customers and consumers have faith in the food selling companies that whatever the food item they purchase or buy will definitely be of the superior quality as they expect and will be safe. Consumers also anticipate and look forward for obtaining the information that can assist them to take decisions regarding the composition and constituent of food items, and whatever the information they have received regarding food products whether it is displayed on product labels or has been conveyed through advertising, is not at all misleading or false.

For every individual universally safety is very important. It is most significant issue that we take into consideration in various facets of our life. Such as, in order to make sure an individual's safety and protection we purchase stun guns which we can take with us anywhere. Furthermore, we fasten our seat belts in order to keep ourselves safe during driving. Most significantly, we make sure that the food we are eating is safe and hygienic. How this food is cooked is our one of the top concerns. When we dine out in restaurants, when we purchase food from stores and even though when we cook food ourselves at home, we tend to make sure that it is hygiene, clean and safe to take in the food in order to replenish the requirements of our body(Tauxe RV,2007,23).

For the retail food industry, safety of food has become a crucial and most important problem. Several examples exists I which the contamination of food has occurred during the production and consumption process. Food contamination can appear at sea, orchard, farm or ranch. Food can be contaminated during process in large production and manufacturing companies and even at its delivery time to the retailers. (Motarjemi, 2005, 525)Ultimately, it can also get contaminated at the last phase of its production process at retail firms or even at the homes of the consumers.

Safety of food is more importantly crucial in retail food establishments, for the reason that it may be the final chance to manage, organize and remove the risk that may be the source of food contamination and become the reason of food endured illnesses. Even when it has been purchased from already certified and inspected sources, the components can be contaminated when they reach at the food establishment. It is very important to understand and recognize the way of handling with ingredients safely and the process of food preparation in such a way that will minimized the risk of food being contaminated.

UK Food Industry

The importance of the UK's FDMP industry

The UK FDMP industry makes a substantial and growing contribution to the UK economy, generating on an annual basis:

•Turnover of £77.1bn, the leading manufacturing sector;

•Gross Value Added (GVA) of £22.6bn, the leading manufacturing sector; and

•Export value of £13.9bn, led by ...
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