Industry Analysis

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Industry Analysis

Industry Analysis

Industry Analysis


Coca-Cola is the largest soft drink making companies of the United States. It is one of the pioneer companies in soft drink manufacturing company. In 2010, soft drink making companies took necessary steps to maintain there name in the market. The production of soft drinks in US occurred in the early twentieth century, with companies developing and producing soft drinks, often using fruit juice mixed with water. Economic development and population growth experienced by the country in the first half of the twentieth century provided the installation, in the 40s, large domestic producers.

Small and medium soft drink manufacturers use the strategy to win the consumers for its popular prices, and some have managed to steal important slices market multinationals (Amienyo, 2013 pp.77). In the last decade, while offering attractive prices, these companies has also invested in quality to increase sales and change the image of their products, through diversification of strategies for promoting and selling, packaging, production own brands to networks hypermarkets and even conquering foreign markets, investing in new flavours and formulas.


Coca-Cola competes with Pepsi, and other soft drinks. There are circumstances, however, wherein the reference pattern is composed of marks of different categories (Rhodes, 2013). Coca-Cola, Gatorade and Snapple, belong to the category of soft drinks, sports drinks and teas ice cream, respectively. But potentially share a frame of reference that includes all drinks that quench the thirst (Singh, 2013). Major competitors and existing show significant growth should be analyzed, as well as those still can come to join this market (Jensen, 2013 pp. 209).

Some researchers developed their model of business competitiveness by defining the concepts of strategy generic and value chain have become a basic reference of strategic analysis (Azad, 2013 pp. 569). A researcher ...
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