Industrial Security

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Industrial Security

Industrial Security


The paper aims to describe the various responsibilities of organizations regarding industrial security. Furthermore, the causes and effects of industrial losses have been identified in the paper. The implementation of Health and Safety programs in the workplace is justified by the fact to prevent occupational hazards that may cause damage to the worker; accident prevention and efficient production go hand in hand. The production is bigger and better when accidents are prevented; optimal result in security management will result in the same effective quality items produced within established time limits (Grimaldi & Simonds, 2008). The implement and carry out Health and Safety programs for a safe environment in the workplace and workers to work safely and with peace of mind, is an integral part of the overall responsibility of all, since doing would bring awareness to all benefits.

One of the main difficulties for companies from countries like the can assume further our commitment to safety, is because they do not see it clearly enough that, beyond a legal requirement, it is a way of contributing to the quality and excellence business. Therefore, this thesis focuses on developing strategies and provides the means for the company object of our study, may make a commitment to prevention and to form a system that demonstrable allow satisfactory results, as a place of safe, healthy and good working conditions (Colley et. Al., 2003).


People working in the field of prevention of risks at work are discouraged because they find the necessary eco efforts often must put greater production incentive to adopt security measures in the workplaces, as if the mandates of the law were bad etiquette industry needs rather than to protect the greatest wealth of United States. Certainly it is necessary to promote and prescribe the resources of the administration to implement the ...
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