Individual Rights

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Individual Rights

Individual Rights

Individual Rights

Rights of individuals

Protection of an individual's privacy

Protection of resources

Individuals freedom of speech

Freedom to pursue own conception and ideas

Right to property

Right to make decisions

Freedom of religion

The rights which are for individual people irrespective of what group they belong to are the Individual Rights. These rights protect an individual's privacy, resources and his own will. While group rights are held by the collective group not by separate members (Mack, 2008).

Justice and Law

Justice means to give an individual or group their due rights based on law, equity, ethics, religion and rationality. It is the fair and just representation of the peoples' doings along with specific punishments on violating the regulations (Mack, 2008).

Law is the set of specific rules designed by a country or society for the people to follow. It is changeable according to the nature of government, economic and social situation. Law is seen as divided in to two parts- Just laws and unjust laws.

Just Laws

The just laws are those which provide protection for all individuals irrespective of color, caste and religion. They give freedom of speech, education, employment and equal opportunities to all the citizens. These laws can be different in each country but they provide all the rights to the majority as well as the minority. They are the responsibilities of an individual towards his/her society (Lomasky, 2005).

Unjust Laws

Unjust laws are those laws which are wrongly imposed on the individuals of the society. The unjust laws are classified according to a person's perspective of things. A law can be unjust for one person but not for another. For example religious laws, if the government or society forces their religious laws and rules upon those belonging to another religion then those laws can be called as unjust. In the past centuries, there was a law that Black people were considered as slaves. This law was unjust. Another example can be not letting women vote or denying their right to education. Even now, in some societies, women are not allowed to vote or to get education (Lomasky, 2005).

Comparison between Just and Unjust Laws

Just Laws

Unjust Laws

Which protects each individual's rights

Which violates the rights of specific people

They are for every religion, cast and color

Can be for specific religion, cast or color

Provide freedom of will equally for everyone

Take away an individual or group's freedom of will

Supports moral laws and values

Do not support moral laws and values

Uplifts human personality

uproot human personality

Protects people

Harmful for people

Accepted by everyone

Forced on minority

The just laws are beneficial and useful for the every individual of the society like traffic laws and criminal laws. They protect the rights of everyone equally and are based on moral values and traditions. While unjust laws are based on people's perception and can be forced by the majority on the minority. The can be harmful or even sinful. For example, torturing the slaves or women and children. Some laws can actually be called unjust but others ...
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