Individual Needs In Health & Social Care

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Individual Needs in Health & Social Care

Individual Needs in Health & Social Care

M1 Explain how the plan meets the health and well being needs of the individual

Obesity has become a major problem for the country which is increasing day by day. It is also one of the leading health problems in the world. Obesity also leads to a number of other problems as well; there is a strong need to address this problem of obesity (Veitch, 2012, pp. 13-19). Obesity results in emotional effects and health issues for the individuals which makes their lives difficult. Different strategies and ways must be designed to prevent this problem (Dicker, 2010, pp. 23-35). This health plan is a significant an effective way in order to improve the health of the individual and ensure that he decreases his weight in an appropriate manner. The individual has been placed in the obese category as he has the BMI of 33. The individual is now at a high risk of weight related diseases. The plan states that the individual has to decrease a mere 10% of his body weight in order to improve his weight and save himself from the weight related diseases.

This plan highlights the goals of the health plan. The short terms goals, medium term goals and the long term goals of the health plan have been demonstrated. The amount of physical activity per day which is required for the individual has been highlighted in this plan. The individual knows his physical activities requirement per day. Furthermore, the plan also includes the diet which the individual should follow in order to reduce his weight. The health plan highlights the importance of cutting down the junk food for a healthy body. The plan also highlights the significance of the physical activities. This health plan allows the individual to incorporate physical activities in his daily routine like walking instead of taking a ride, walking to a shop further away from office for lunch etc. This plan highlights the number of calories burned per week upon following this health plan.

The perfect balance of proper diet and regular exercise will assist the individual in reducing his weight and improving his health in an appropriate healthy manner. This health plan has mapped out the entire goals and objectives which the individual has to follow. The individual knows that how much calories he has to burn and how to ...
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