Individual Narrative Development

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Individual Narrative Development

Individual Development Narrative


Human beings come into this world with the built in mechanisms which form the basis of their later life. These mechanisms and default system also indicate the course of changes human development might take. For this purpose, life-span development has acquired the significance of a separate field having its own studies and relates markedly with psychology and education. It studies the changes and constancy in the human beings and their behaviors through entire life span (

This paper discusses the narrative of a subject who volunteered for the study of life-span development based on her life events through various stages of life ranging from infancy to adolescence. Consent form is attached in the appendix.

Individual Narrative

The subject for the study is a girl of 25 years of age. She will be referred to as Sophie. She is a thriving career woman with masters in two fields. She holds a degree in music and library sciences. She was born in Leipzig, Germany. Her parents and family moved to America when she was 13 years old. She had started her high school and continued her studies in America.

Sophie's mother is a socialite who is well-known in the American community, where Sophie's family had come to settle when she was 13 years old. According to Sophie, when she was a baby, she demonstrated high determinism and persistence in her nature. She reflects that her mother was a really good pianist and she used to play piano when Sophie was an infant. When Sophie was an infant, she used to listen to her mother playing piano with immense interest. Sophie used to give her utmost attention to the piano music, whenever it echoed near her. According to her, she used to spend long hours playing around the piano place and loved to inspect its elements.

As Sophie grew up and made transition into her toddler age, her parents bought her a toy piano which she used to love playing with. She recalls having numerous other toys but most them, according to her, were musical instruments or related equipments. She was never a book person, she recalls.

Sophie was an introspective and pensive child in school. It was not as if she was an introvert or did not like to mingle in with children of her own age; rather, she used to keep to herself because she was more interested in her piano classes. She discovered that she was good with foreign languages and started taking up language courses as well along with the music classes.

By the time Sophie's family moved to America, she was well equipped with playing piano and well-versed in various foreign languages. One thing which she reflects had helped her in settling in an entirely new and different country was her mastery in different languages. Other than that, she reflects having a hard time in adjusting in an entirely new community with diverse surroundings.

By the time Sophie completed her high school in America, she ...