Individual, Family, And Neighborhood Factors Distinguish Resilient From Non-Resilient Maltreated Children: A Cumulative Stressors Model

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Individual, Family, and Neighborhood Factors Distinguish Resilient From Non-Resilient Maltreated Children: A Cumulative Stressors Model

Individual, Family, and Neighborhood Factors Distinguish Resilient From Non-Resilient Maltreated Children: A Cumulative Stressors Model


The motive of this study is to talk about physically maltreated children, and the adverse effects that these children have during their childhood, as well as, adulthood. The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data system (NCANDS) have done numerous researches in this regard. In the year 2005, this data system estimated that almost 3.3 million reports involving about 6 million children in the cases of neglect or abuse were given to the child ...
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