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Scientific Management And Human Relation Approaches

Scientific Management and Human Relation Approaches


Management theory evolves constantly with the continuous stream of new ideas that come from the attempts to transform theory into practice? and vice versa. Hence? a theory could be considered as a “condensed learning” of reflections in practice. Understanding its history is a fundamental step for identifying the problems and origins of current paradigms (Koskela? 1999).

However? the study of the management history is a complex task since the field boundaries are not exact and there are many different interpretations of its evolution and content. The word management itself does not have a universally accepted standard definition. According to McFarland (1979) the word “manage” seems to have come into English usage directly from the Italian word “maneggiare”? that means “to handle”. This word? in turn? traces back to the Latin word “manus” (hand). In the early sixteenth century the word “manage” was quickly extended into the common language of war situations and used in the general sense of “taking control”? “taking charge”? or “directing”. Later? in the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries? it became confused with the French word “menage”? meaning “to use carefully” (McFarland? 1979).A

Nowadays the meaning of management is tempered by these early variations? depending on the specific situation. Management “as a process”? for example? is understood as the fundamental integrating processes used to achieve organised? purposeful results. From such process? managers create? direct? maintain and operate purposive organisations through co-ordinated and co-operative human effort. Management “as a discipline”? is typically understood as a field of learning which is organised? researched and taught in an integrative way? bringing together aspects from various disciplines while at the same time developing its own body of theory (McFarland? 1979). Production managers often ignore the importance of understanding the management history since they are more inclined to pay attention to actions occurring in the present. However? to disregard the progress of events and ideas of management throughout history is to risk repeating the same mistakes. In this context? this paper revises the recent history of production management theory? using empirical evidence collected in the construction industry to assess the degree of application in practice.

Dynamics between practice and theory of production management

In the past 100 years? production management has evolved from a set of heuristic ideas to a portfolio of somewhat developed concepts and principles. “Just-in-time” and “total quality management” integrate most of the modern concepts and principles in the field. However? new heuristics and principles constantly flow from practice to theory as we deepen our understanding about practices from the “best plants” world-wide (Shonberger? 1985; Koskela? 1992; Womack and Jones? 1996) Companies operating in competitive environments are constantly trying new ideas in order to cope with an increasingly complex business environment. They now realise that keeping in touch with? or developing? new knowledge is key factor in guaranteeing their survival. The constant shift of management emphasis during the last few decades demonstrates the eagerness of companies for new knowledge in ...
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