Individual Authotiy And Autonomy

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“Is Subordination of the Authority of persons and Institution's compatible with Individual Moral Autonomy?”

“Is Subordination of the Authority of persons and Institution's compatible with Individual Moral Autonomy?”


The concept of submission of freewill is almost as old as the concept of freewill itself. In any society, the citizens will always want to make their decisions solely on the basis of their opinions, preferences and will. However, every individual in a society is somehow linked to another individuals or a group of individuals. Therefore, on many occasions, the consequences of inappropriate decisions made by one have to be faced by others; however, the intensity of the negativity of consequences may vary from case to case. Therefore, many questions and queries may arise in the minds of many regarding the idea of allowing individuals to follow their free will. Moreover, the extent to which freedom of individuals and institutions should be allowed to be exercised is also debatable.

Discussion History is full of incidents that involves conflicts between ideas and believes of individuals in a society regarding controversies of freedom, to what extent it should be allowed and at what occasion its practices should be imposed with certain limitations. Moreover, there are always some very powerful individuals in the society who attempts to strip away citizens with even the most basic of their rights of liberty and freedom. In past, many occasions have occurred that includes politicians, social elitists, higher rank army personnel and many other powerful and influential individuals enforcing serious restrictions on freedom of religious and ethical liberties, freedom of expression and freedom of speech.

Therefore, another question that may rise as a result of these incidents from the past is the possibility of creating a balance between two main contradicting facts. Firstly, allowing the practice individual independence and autonomy. Secondly, imposing restrictions on an individual's freedom and liberties if other individuals are affected by his actions.

Theory of Philosophical Anarchism

Anarchism is a simple process of an anarchist ruler of a state or a region in which he abandons and irradiates a government, its practices and other rules, regulations, laws and guidelines established by the government. Some of the anarchists may also support their actions on the basis of the fact that the citizens in a society are hardworking, talented, independent and self-sufficient. This can also be considered as their justification to disturb the operational government. Moreover, it is a common believe shared between all the anarchists that it is actually for the welfare and development of individuals in a state to get rid of the governments and the rules established by them as the people themselves can take adequate steps for their progress without any government's intervention (Simmons, 1987, pp.270).

The anarchism caters and defines both the individual and collective status and progress in a society. The idea gives insights to the practices of authority of and the extent to which these authorities are subjected to control and limitations by the superiors of any ...
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