Indigenous Australian Health Issue (Diabetes)

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Indigenous Australian health issue (Diabetes)


Diabetes rates in Australia are towering however its predominance in the indigenous peoples present is between three and four times higher than whatever remains of the population. This paper aims to high light the health issue of diabetes and its impact on the indigenous peoples of Australia. Several programs have been identified that are aiming to achieve better health outcomes for Australia's indigenous peoples.

Indigenous Australian health issue (Diabetes)


Indigenous peoples are defined as the descendants of those who inhabited a country or a geographical region at the time of population groups of cultures or ethnic origins arrived there and became predominant later through conquest, occupation, settlement or other means (Kevin et. al, 2007). This paper aims to high light the health issue of diabetes and its impact on the indigenous peoples of Australia (Kevin et. al, 2007). Several programs have been identified that are aiming to achieve better health outcomes for Australia's indigenous peoples (Mark Thomas,, 2012). This paper aims to high light the health issue of diabetes and its impact on the indigenous peoples of Australia (Mark Thomas,, 2012).

The confirmation of diabetes has not been properly indicated through the early investigations of indigenous people soon after the reception of western lifestyles, however, type 2 diabetes is currently recognized as an extremely critical health situation for indigenous peoples all over Australia (Peter Azzopardi,, 2012). This health issue has ended up being exceptionally regular to happen over three times more in the indigenous peoples, than in the non-indigenous Australian peoples (Peter Azzopardi,, 2012). The health issue has been a serious concern for the Australian government as the results could be more terrible (Peter Azzopardi,, 2012).

The impact of diabetes on indigenous people can be measured in three prevailing ways as the increasing number of people who have diabetes, the increasing number of people who go to clinic due to diabetes and the number of peoples who are being perished due to diabetes (Peter Azzopardi,, 2012). Several programs have been identified that are aiming to achieve better health outcomes for Australia's indigenous peoples (Peter Azzopardi,, 2012).


There is no doubt that diabetes is a huge health problem and a major concern for numerous indigenous peoples in Australia (Mark Thomas,, 2012). The prevalence of the type 2 diabetes is four times more prone to influence Australian indigenous peoples than the other Australian non-indigenous peoples (Mark Thomas,, 2012).

The lifestyle of the indigenous peoples is a major initiation of diabetes, so it is highly possible for the indigenous peoples therefore, to prevent themselves from diabetes (Azzopardi P.,, 2012). More or less the Australian population being diagnosed with diabetes is 1 million. The pervasiveness of type 2 diabetes especially climbs with age (Azzopardi P.,, 2012). Its percentage is higher in indigenous males than in indigenous females (Azzopardi P.,, 2012). However the type 1diabetes is ordinarily found at early ages of indigenous peoples in Australia, hence it is considered to be a ...