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International Entry of Apple Mac Computers into Indian Market

International Entry of Apple Mac Computers into Indian Market


Methods of Entry

The study is related to the international entry of Apple Mac Computers which is being discussed in relation to business environment of India. The purpose of choosing India in the product expansion strategy is that India is considered as the one of the rapidly growing market for technological products. In addition to this, there is also probable future for various companies in India, in particular the companies whose products are based on technology. Besides it, the paper particularly focuses on the international entry of Apple Incorporation into Indian market as the Apple Mac Computers are considered as the best value in making the products differentiated for the customers to distinguish like being extremely different and also innovative as compared to the personal computers. On the other hand, its significance is extremely low as various customers do not believe that it is suitable for them as in the past these sort of things happened to other companies that include Tiffany & Co and Porsche.

The current target market of Apple Mac Computers is based on the segmentation and the product is highly differentiated as Apple Mac Computers offers high value to the customers to know as much as necessary about the brand that is Apple Mac Computers. In addition to this, it can be understood through combining these elements that Apple Mac Computers have a superior potency because of the top level of differentiation in comparison to the other companies that include Accer and Compaq.

Majority of the customers observe that the Apple Incorporation has been persistent on the quality and modern technology as these factors demonstrates that Apple Incorporation has established a tough association to their minds joining the company name and the attribute that is quality and speed. Moreover, Apple Incorporation is in a situation to be victorious as even though the brand of Apple Incorporation that is Apple Mac Computers is related with the attributes that entails realistic price, flexibility and personalization in the market like India which is considered as one of the fastest growing market. Such attributes were leftover by the Apple Incorporation to be less important in the making of the decision about the customers who emphasizes and focuses on the attributes that entails include quality and speed. Besides it, the Apple Incorporation has always been associated with the positive attributes; however, they are irrelevant to affect the decision of purchase in various countries.

The international entry of Apple Mac Computers in India was designed to maintain the entry in the markets which are aggressive as the case in hand that is the case of Indian market. In relation to this, the marketing strategy of Apple Mac Computers should steadily build the understanding and proper image of brand Apple and in particular, the product that is Apple Mac Computers while give emphasis towards the competitive edge based on added value and ...
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