Inclusive Youth Work

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Equal opportunities and inclusive youth work

Equal opportunities and inclusive youth work


The main purpose of this paper is to write a self reflection paper on the equal opportunities and inclusive youth work. The paper identifies the ways through which the unit has been helpful for me to move into my own thinking regarding the equality issues. The paper is also a reflection of the strengths and skills of me and the areas needing the improvements.


The equal opportunity and inclusive youth program has been developed for the purpose of providing the equal opportunities to the youth and prioritizing them for the action plan. An inclusive youth work requires a change in perspective of the integration to inclusion. This means a new way of thinking and a new practice in working with young youth with and without disabilities. Central to this new perspective is that youth with disabilities cannot be understood outside their youth work and community work, but 'inclusive' are, therefore, an indispensable part of a whole (Thompson, 2003, p. 12). This implies that for all substantive and organizational planning these youth should be considered quite naturally. It is important to see everyone regardless of disability or non-disability, with its own personality and at the heart of the most popular. We would like to initiate a quality-based exchange regarding inclusive Protestant youth work and to bring across EKD level the issue of living with disability awareness. Participation of young youth in civil society has become increasingly central role in European social policies, given that investing in young youth is investing in the future without losing sight of the past, in order to improve and innovate what is our current society. The equal opportunity inclusive youth work has been started for the purpose of assuring that there is no discrimination between youth in terms of any disability (Lutz, 2001, p. 3). This program assures that the youth has the equal opportunities to work and take participation in any affair without considering any problem and issue of the diversity. The Equal Opportunities Scholarship is also an example of that, in close coordination with relevant government agencies and relevant technical agencies, foreign policy can help to achieve concrete and tangible in a short period. It has been observed that the discrimination is increasing for the disabled youth and the equal opportunities for work are not provided to the disabled people (WARREN, 2004, p. 99). Therefore, for the purpose of providing support to the disabled youth it has been identified that there is a great need of implementing any program which could be helpful in the development of equal opportunities to the disabled. Thus, this program has come out to be a very effective program.

1, How this unit has helped me to move on in my own thinking and practice with regard to equality issues

This unit had been very helpful for me to move on my own thinking with regard to the equality issues. From this unit I have learnt that discrimination is ...
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