Inclusive Policy

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International inclusion policy for disability in developed and developing countries

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International inclusion policy for disability in developed and developing countries

The disparities in the distribution of incomes all around the world has proven to be increasing in this increasingly globalized world. According to the stats, about 60 percent of the total population of the world is living on just 6 percent of the total income of the world. Half of the population of the world has the tendency to spend just two dollars per day and more than 1.5 billion people are able to spend just one dollar per day (Croft, 2012). In all of these adverse economic conditions of our planet, it is quite obvious to say that poverty is a considerable threat to peace. Poverty is the major problem which gets inflamed by all of these adverse economic situations around the globe, and it is a fact that poverty affects education very negatively (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2004).

Efforts are being made for spreading education to all under the goals of Education for All (EFA) along with Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and these efforts are proving their worth somehow since a significant increase in the enrolment rates all around the globe has been observe and number of drops from schools have decreased. The focus of the education development organizations have now moved to the children who are out of school and for whom reaching schools is hard due to economic instabilities. Along with this, the children and adults who get enrolled and due to some adverse circumstances fail to continue their education, are also under prime focus of the authorities (Croft, 2012).

Good quality education is the biggest question in today's international education sector. It has been observed that the economic instabilities of the developing and under developing nations have caused problems in the development of a framework which could ensure the delivery of quality education to the respective nation's learners. The similar is the case with the nation which is excelling in the economic industries of the world and the quality of education being delivered there is of high standards (Murphy, & Carbone, 2008, pp.1057-1061). The case of lack of education for the students with disabilities is one of the heavily researched topics around the w0orld and the reasons have been found. The children and adults with disabilities, either physical or mental have always strived for good quality education and most often have failed to get it. Many inclusion policies have been made for ensuring the delivery of good quality education to the children and adults with disabilities (Hawkridge, Vincent, & Hales, 1985).

Social learning theory is one of the most important theories of social inclusion. A school is a place where children come to study and learn behavioral skills. Therefore while children are in a school they should adhere to learning behavioral skills and academic concepts and not keeping in mind that disabled students are also studying with them. It is very important that ...
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