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Prison Premises of Incapacitation

Prison Premises of Incapacitation


The person who commits crime or breaks the law is imprisoned. This imprisonment of the person is done to keep him away from the society both physically as well as mentally. Incapacitating in prison for a long term from the society is done by the criminal judicial systems, so as to prevent the habitual criminals who recidivist once they are removed from the prison. In other term this criminal way of life is built in the genes of the person who commits crime, thus prison incapacitation is done.

There are various theories, which have been proposed regarding the imprisonment and the issues relating to it. These theories try to highlight the issues for the incapacitation of punishment. Regarding these theories, various oppositions and proponents have aroused that favour the criminals and offenders (Becker 1968 pp 169).These theories also talk against the imprisonments and incapacitation of the imprisonments. They say that the laws of incapacitation in imprisonments needs to be revised and the legal laws must be developed that supports the inmates of prison. The incapacitation in prison involves the separation of offenders from the society on a permanent or temporary basis. This depends on the period of punishment that is awarded to the offender, as per the nature of his crime. The law says that the criminal and other offenders are kept in incapacitation in order to restrict them physically from the society, which results in chance for them to repeat the mistake again. Many people in the society are in favour of the incapacitation and they strongly believe that the imprisonment is the best common method for the incapacitation of the offenders or the criminals.

For many people in the society, the humanity is the major aspect that needs to be served by the prisoners on whom they have committed the crime. They believe the dead bodies that have received capital punishment be used for the cause of humanity. It must used by the medical researchers to conduct various medical research, that can help in the field of medicines, vaccines, and for other medical purposes. This can be a noble cause and best form of revenge from prisoner on the part of humanity. Just taking the lives of the prisoners does not make things better for the affected families. Therefore such people believe that the prisoners be used for the betterment of the societies rather than only wasting their lives (Don 2006 pp 70). They should be used as an example for other criminals, thus it can make other criminals to restrict their bad actions.

The incapacitation of the prisoners in the imprisonments, in philosophical manner involves the effects of the incapacitation upon other people in the imprisonment. Incapacitation has its side effects like increased violence on the part of criminals in the vicinity of prison. This is because in outside-civilized society the crime mentality is very low, whereas in prison every other person has criminal ...
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