In Vitro Fertilization Has The Potential To Negatively Impact The Male To Female Ration In The United States

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In vitro Fertilization has the potential to negatively impact the male to female ration in the United States

In Vitro Fertilization has the potential to negatively impact the male to female ration in the United States


The couples who are affected by infertility conditions are opting for the in vitro fertilization process that assists them in conceiving babies. The treatment of in vitro fertilization involves the joining of the egg or ova of the female with the sperm of the male partner in the laboratory that leads to the formation of embryo outside the body of the women. It is done on those couples who fail to conceive a child through normal sexual process. The scientific technology assists them in joining their reproductive secretions in order to form the embryo that is implanted inside the body of the female once the sperm and egg mate with each other outside the body. In this way, the conception takes place in the laboratory dish or apparatus whereas the formation of baby takes place inside the womb of the women. The later process of reproduction after mating occurs according to the normal procedure of the reproduction and delivery. The in vitro fertilization is one of the successful and useful ways of reproductive that are considered as assisted reproductive technology method (ART). However, most of the couples claim about the stress that occurs due to the process of in vitro fertilization. Women or female partners are more likely to be affected by the stressful conditions after they undergo the treatment of infertility through in vitro fertilization (Cohen, 2005).

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In the procedure of In vitro fertilization or IVF, the matured eggs of female partners are retrieved from the ovary of the women and then presented in the laboratory to be fertilized by the male sperm taken from the male partner. The combining of the egg and the sperm leads to the formation of embryo. The embryo is then implanted in the uterus of the female in order to let it grow and become a baby through receiving nutrition from the body of the women .the process of in vitro fertilization is effective and successful but it is also too expensive. The couples who had already tried the different methods of assisted reproductive technology that were invasive and inexpensive but fails to provide positive outcomes approaches for the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Before the couples tries to begin the process of in vitro fertilization they usually have tried to conceive for a number of years through natural or technological and scientific processes of fertilization. It has been identified from a study that around nine percent of the females have gone through several in vitro fertilization cycles before conceiving through the in vitro fertilization. This, it may take around a year for a successful in vitro fertilization process (Voorhis, 2007).

Significance of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

The process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is performed in order to help a women get ...