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International Marketing Strategy - Tasty Bake

[NCC Education ID Number]

Table of Contents


Tasty Bake UK1

Company Philosophy2

Products Offered2

Market Environment in Pakistan2


Buyer Behaviour3

Legal and Ethical Issues3

Marketing Mix Strategy4








Media Tools7



Social Networking Tools8

Target market8

Geographic Profile8

Demographic Profile8

Psychographic Profile9

Behavioural Profile9

Social Media Marketing9


International Marketing Strategy - Tasty Bake

Task 1) Discuss Market Selection & your final destination country. Also include an Environmental Analysis.


On a very broad scale, internationalization refers to the entry into a foreign market. However, more precisely put, it means that the design and development of a company's offering is such that it facilities the entry into local as well as international markets that may be different in terms of culture, language or buying behaviour. Internationalization in today's world is not a matter of choice anymore. It is a need! The many benefits of international or globalization as they say it include localization, adaptability, market development, reduced costs, higher bottom line, better customer service, capitalization of purchasing power, and better user experience (Tasty Bake, 2012).

Internationalization makes sense for both medium sized and large businesses. However, the benefits for the two and the underlying objectives can vary. For smaller businesses, internationalization is a good strategy to move into regions where there is a higher purchasing power and higher demand for the product/services being offered by the company. It also gives them marketing insights enabling product development. In addition, more and more companies are moving to smaller foreign markets to involve the customers and delight them in the form of better user experience.

The paper discusses the internationalization of Tasty Bake UK to Pakistan. It not only justifies the choice of foreign market but also lays down the marketing strategies that will be used for entry in the chosen market.

Tasty Bake UK

Tasty Bake was established in the 1981 and has been an active and strong player of the UK Food Industry famous for its premium quality, delicious sausages. The company has a modern infrastructure built as per the health and hygiene requirements for the production of sausages as well as saveloys. It is one of the leading frozen food manufacturers in the UK and is a brand of choice for most food lovers. If there are two things that can be attributed for the success of Tasty Bake's products, it has to be the quality of ingredients and the use of updated technology. The company has always maintained the highest standards and offers its customers reliable products. Tasty Bake operates in a very competitive market. The closest competitors for Tasty Bake are UK Frozen food and KK Fine Foods. The unique selling proposition of Tasty Bake is the quality of its products and service which have earned it the customer lifetime value of its values customers.

Company Philosophy

Creativity and innovation are embedded in the very culture of the organization. The fact that the company is a pioneer in pitta breads and has always been the first to identify the unmet needs of the UK customers reinforces the aforementioned claim (Tasty Bake, 2012). The company has a state of ...
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