Improving The Healthcare Delivery System

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Improving the Healthcare Delivery System

Improving the Healthcare Delivery System

Patient Satisfaction and Reimbursements

As per the new regulation on the healthcare delivery system, the level of patient satisfaction has been linked with reimbursements that a certain healthcare institution will have to pay. This was important in that the healthcare institution in the US is now largely run by government (Cleary, 2008). The level of quality in the healthcare institutions is likely to deteriorate in that there is no healthy competition among the healthcare organizations. Like everything else in the world, the new policy has both advantages as well as disadvantages.

This policy should not be seen as a threat of reimbursement, rather it should be taken in its real sense that is patient satisfaction. Another major flaw in the healthcare delivery system is that it does not have instructions and policy regulations on how to provide this patient satisfaction and ensure it. Standards of procedures must be divided for care that serves as a guideline on how to provide premium quality care to patients.

When it comes to a service business like healthcare, it is imperative to understand that the most important asset for the business is its human resource. This is to say that if the staff is not happy and satisfied with their job, they will not be able to provide the kind of patient care that is expected of them (Cleary, 2008). The healthcare organizations should take necessary steps to assure employee motivation. The nature of job of a nurse entails high degree of stress. Accordingly, they should be provided avenues where they are able to distress themselves.

Just like there are reimbursements connected with patient satisfaction, the reward system should also be connected with it (Cleary, 2008). This will aid in improving the performance of the healthcare instituted and ...
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