Improving The Classroom

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Improving the classroom



Just like other businesses and industries of the world, the education industry is facing rapid expansion and improvement. Schools and universities are adopting new technologies to make education more innovative and efficient.

Statement of the Problem

To ensure that the GED classes are as advanced and technologically sound as possible, this paper suggests the introduction of Wifi and Dropbox for submission of assignments and reports.

Description of the Program

Wifi has become an integral part of most businesses today. With companies shifting their records and databases to secure online storages, it is important for a person to know how to work with wireless internet and use softwares such as Dropbox.


To implement the suggested, a Wifi router has to be placed in the GED classroom for all students to be able to access internet during classes. Additionally, a Dropbox account needs to be created for the teacher and a small training session should be conducted to educate the students on using Dropbox to submit their files

Expected Outcomes

The expected outcome of this program as well as the benchmark of measurement will be the increase in output of the students.


Just like other businesses and industries of the world, the education industry is facing rapid expansion and improvement. Technological shifts and generation gaps have made schooling and the education industry adapt to the new changes and innovations. Schools and universities are adopting new technologies to make education more innovative and efficient. Many schools are increasing the use of computers and mobile technologies in their daily curriculum because they have realized that it helps students become much smarter and technologically sound. Educational institutes have realized that by staying on track with advancements happening in the world, they can be much more productive and efficient.

Statement of the Problem

The GED classes of the correctional facility under consideration in this paper aim to provide students with quality education that would help them become smarter and efficient. The aim of the GED classes is to induce ethical and proper moral behaviour into the students and at the same time, induce the yearning for knowledge and growth into their minds (Senge, 2000). This would allow the students to differentiate between right and wrong and also realize that there is great potential in each one of them which they can utilize in the real world to earn proper livings for themselves.

To ensure that the GED classes are as advanced and technologically sound as ...
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